Friday, February 5, 2010

Catch Up

Where does the time go? I've been terrible at documenting our lives lately. I have good intentions, but they just don't seem to work out. Blogging seems to be falling lower and lower on the priority list. Here's a quick re-cap of what's been going on in the last couple months.

We survived Christmas and everyone seemed to be happy with what Santa brought them.

We rang in the new year by staying up until 10:00 pm. We must have still been exhausted from all the Christmas fun. Michaela let us know what big party poopers we were. I didn't even get the camera out.

January brought Jr. Jazz. Michaela is the only one that wanted to play and it's been really fun watching her. Dal and Michaela have been training for the US Open in TKD and Dallon has been doing the Tosh program so life has been busy. I've been busy trying to learn all that's involved with the YW program. The girls are wonderful and I'm learning I CAN do this calling (I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...that's my mantra).

Now bring on the next holiday. Reagen and her nails are ready.