Saturday, October 18, 2008

Week In the Life - Day One

After 3 1/2 hours playing in photoshop (maybe I shouldn't call it playing because that implies that it was fun) and pulling my hair out, you are getting a plan old post. I had dreams of this neat 4x3 template from photoshop, but for some reason I can't get it to pull up in my blog. 

Anyway, if I don't get this started, it's never going to happen, so here we go.

Friday, October 10th, 2008:

I slept right through the kids getting ready for school this morning. After getting up at 5:00 am all week my brain and body were just done. Thank goodness for Mike. I felt a little guilty because Friday is the only day I get to do Reagen's hair for school and we try and come up with something cute. 
When I finally pull my butt out of bed, I start the Friday morning ritual of cleaning up. Spray all the kitchen counter tops, load the dishwasher, clean off the table, try and go through mail, grocery ads, and schoolwork that are strewn from here to tomorrow. Next, I usually shake the rugs and vacuum the living room. For some reason vacuuming is a little therapeutic.
A little after 10:00 I talk myself into going for a walk/jog (a lot of walk, a little jog). Michaela's ipod is required to help me keep moving. I've been taking the route down Clark Street to Soelberg's and then return on Main St.  I think it's just under three miles. I'll do this route for a while and then get really sick of it and find a new one. Mike is hiking up the mountain the same time I'm off! I get back and stretch a little while I fast forward through a tivo'd Good Things Utah. I don't seem to have time to watch the whole show anymore so I just forward to what looks interesting. I love when they have a good crafty segment.

Every Friday I pay the bills. Mike made brownies while I paid the bills and cancelled out the little walk that I took this morning.

If you're going to eat bad you might as well go all out. How about a little homemade Boboli pizza for lunch? I met Reagen at the bus stop and she had left her coat on the bus so we ran home and made Mike go chase it down. Good dad. When they got home, we all ate pizza.
After lunch, we rented Reagen a movie and she took a little break on her bed. I still haven't showered. Is that bad?
After her movie, we read through the two books that come home in her little red reader bag. She is doing great at reading. I think a lot of it is that she has such a good memory and memorizes what is on each page. I have to hide the pictures to make it a little tougher for her.

Reagen completes her 100 chart. She wants to take it back to show her teacher that she was able to do it.
I finally shower and then play on the computer for a while. The kids all watch a Halloween movie together and say it's too cold to go to the high school football game like they had planned.
Reagen is in her cowboy gear for the football game. The kids decide to go after all, but it's way too cold to let her go. Tears are shed, but she is ok when we let her lay in bed and watch TV with us.


keysha said...

Ok, so you are making me feel totally lame-0 about my post. Your's is soo cute! You're going to need to tutor me on the whole picture thing. I can't wait to read more....

Trent and Richelle said...

I love this post. You have such a great family. My mom and I were talking this weekend about what amazing parents you and Mike are. Your kids are all incredibly talented, smart, respecful, and very good-looking. I am pretty sure I will be coming to you for parenting advice so be ready!!

snakeriverwalton said...

We have to read the same Sam books!